The Retrofit Academy Talks: Futurebuild 2022
What a fantastic event Futurebuild 2022 shaped up to be! We got our teeth back into the world of real-life, in-person interaction and what better platform than at an event such as this? Posed perfectly to share advancements and ideas with industry peers, Futurebuild supported the development of our next steps as an industry as we work together on our collective goal of achieving carbon neutral housing.
Don’t forget to share with your network!
The Whole House Retrofit Stage
The Retrofit Academy Awards
The Whole House Retrofit Zone & Exhibitors
The Whole House Retrofit Stage
The Whole House Retrofit Stage led thought-provoking, action-inspiring sessions on all things retrofit. From supply chain innovation in manufacturing, data and organisational efforts to hack retrofitting; the training and curation of career pathways that is integral to the workforce needed; housing strategy, funding and projects… All for us to reach our collective target of a carbon neutral, sustainable future. What leads as our impression from this event is the inspiring efforts of the collective is led by the hearts and minds of ethically motivated industry peers, towards a world where every home is warm, healthy and low carbon.
Our theme for this year’s programme is “Domestic retrofit delivered: high quality, large scale.”
The time for talk is over. It’s now about doing. The time has come for getting on with retrofit – putting large numbers of homes on pathways to zero carbon. There is no time to waste, as we have just 28 years to go to 2050 and at least 27 million homes to improve. We now have the foundations to build on, best practice to deliver and a quality assurance system to work alongside.

Day One
David Pierpoint, our CEO and Founder, took to the stage to open the very first session on the Whole House Retrofit Stage. Delving into retrofit head first we discuss:
What even is retrofit? What does it aim to achieve? How effectively have we done it historically?
And, how to we ensure we can deliver 27 million high quality retrofits over the next few decades?
The day follows with talks and practical guidance to support social housing with the upcoming task of the large-scale decarbonisation of existing homes, the retrofit career pathways and job creation initiatives being pioneered, a presentation on Energiesprong’s International Hackathon, how to overcome key technical challenges in line with the guidance of PAS2035, energy modelling tools and a debate on the importance of RdSAP in retrofit, and the initiative of Retrofit One Stop Shops as they make retrofit easy for the householder.

Day Two
With the “Retrofit Glitterazi” out in full force, the Whole House Retrofit stage has tried to be as inclusive as we can in an industry where there is a clear need for an vibrant infusion of diversity, see here on Day Two our first (but, not last) all female session in the programme!

We will be celebrating Women in Construction throughout the coming year, so please do tune into our social channels to make sure you don’t miss out on some great upcoming content.
Much busier than the day prior, we had and audience to the Whole House Retrofit that queued out into the walk-way! Collaboration, communication and strategy has been the hot topic of Futurebuild:
With sessions addressing the standardisation of retrofitting work across PAS2035 professions; the tools and pathfinding that has gone into ensuring the successful retrofitting of traditional buildings; the decarbonisation of housing stock, en masse; resident engagement and education; the Salford Energy House; and how we need to look at integrating retrofit in the upgrades of socially-rented homes with a view on decarbonisation through asset management and investment planning.

Day Three
The last day of the show was still full to the brim with sessions that just kept delivering!
Starting with supply chain innovation, our last day of the event comprised of The National Energy Foundation’s SuperHome Rating Scheme, who are looking to verify the true energy savings following retrofit; discussing whether the Heat and Buildings Strategy goes far enough to deliver net zero housing by 2050; case studies from government funded retrofit delivery projects; and finally, the approaches being developed around data that will become a central part of the retrofit revolution.

We will be releasing the recordings of these sessions, free to our members!
Interested in becoming a member of The Retrofit Academy?
Find out more here.
The Retrofit Academy Awards
“Celebrating quality and scale in domestic retrofit.”

This year, The Retrofit Academy set out to recognise retrofitting excellence across our industry, while appreciating the dichotomy of increasing both the quality and scale of retrofit in the UK. It is these twin challenges, recognised by many, that we are aiming to oust with innovation, determination and perspiration. The Retrofit Academy Awards identify the leading professionals who are currently making their mark and whose projects reflect that good practice and good value are not always mutually exclusive.
Check out our winners below.
Retrofit Coordinator of the Year
This year, the Retrofit Coordinator of the Year award has been sponsored by the Greater South East Energy Hub. Thanks to Genevieve Daly who came to present the award on the organisations behalf.
Ashley Crawford, CC Ltd – Highly Commended
Craig Wright, Madison May
Geordie Stewart, Cosy Homes
More about our Retrofit Coordinator of the Year: Geordie Stewart.

Retrofit Assessor of the Year
Bryan Simpson, Keegans Group
Kevin Nicholson, Osmosis ACD
Jarrod Green, EQUANS
More about our Retrofit Assessor of the Year: Jarrod Green.

Retrofit Installer of the Year
EQUANS – Highly Commended
Procast Group
Bow Tie Construction
More about our Retrofit Installer of the Year: Bow Tie Construction.

Best Small Retrofit Project of the Year (under 20 homes)
Prewett Bizley Architects – Highly Commended
Beattie Passive
Derbyshire Dales District Council
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
More about our Best Small Retrofit Project of the Year Winner: Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

Best Large Retrofit Project of the Year
Rothwell Group
United Living
City Energy
Melius Homes
More about our Best Large Retrofit Project of the Year Winner: Melius Homes.

Social Housing Retrofit Landlord of the Year
Northwards Housing – Highly Commended
Flagship Housing
Northampton Partnership Homes
North Glasgow Homes
Renfrewshire Council
More about our Social Housing Retrofit Landlord of the Year Winner: Renfrewshire Council.

Rising Retrofit Star
Gemma Sutherland, EQUANS – Highly Commended
Nathan Beattie, Beattie Passive
Barbara Lantschner
More about our Rising Retrofit Star: Barbara Lantschner.

And of course, a huge thank you to our Judging Panel of the inaugural Retrofit Academy Awards!
Alan Pither
Technical Director, The Retrofit Academy CIC
Dr. Peter Rickaby
Independent Consultant
Emily Braham
Head of Energiesprong UK
Catrin Maby OBE
Sally Hancox MBE
Head of Support, The Retrofit Academy CIC
David Adams
Energy Efficiency Infrastructure Group

The Whole House Retrofit Zone & Exhibitors
Futurebuild would not have been as incredible as it was without the contribution of it’s exhibitors!
We want to recognise the hard work and dedication of those in the Whole House Retrofit zone who, despite all odds (and a tube strike!), contributed to such a dynamic area.
Check out the exhibitors from this year’s show, below.

Allume Energy
Elmhurst Energy
Eco Surv
Aereco Ventilation Limited
MidKent College
Ecological Building Society
Osmosis ACD
From all here at The Retrofit Academy, we want to share our thanks with the dedicated team at Futurebuild who worked with us to curate this fantastic programme and area for the event!
To the speakers and exhibitors who attended the event:
Without your attendance and contribution to this fantastic area of the show, Futurebuild would not have facilitated as many positive connections, conversations and collaborations as it did.
To our team here at The Retrofit Academy for all of their hard work and dedication in the run up to and during the event.
And, THANK YOU to all the folk who turned up to join us at Futurebuild this year! It is each and every one of us that bares witness, who can speak and act with collective social consciousness, and band together, towards a carbon neutral future.

Did you miss us at Futurebuild this year? Interested in speaking to The Retrofit Academy?
Join our online retrofit community: Explore Retrofit.